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Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch with us directly, please use the form to contact us via e-mail or give us a call at any of the numbers below!

WellBridge Fort Worth

6200 Overton Ridge Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 76132
Phone: 817.361.1991

TX TDD/TTY: 800.735.2988
Fax: 502.212.8516

If you are unable to call WellBridge Fort Worth at 817.361.1991, please use the form provided below to submit a confidential message to our admissions staff. We will respond as soon as possible.

If you are in a state of crisis or need immediate help for any reason, please pause filling out this form and call 911.

If you feel that you are a danger to yourself, please pause filling out this form and contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or call 911.

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